Socially Distanced Before It Was Cool

In the mountains of southern Colorado where I live, some people originally moved here to be away from people. Social distancing is their preferred mode of existence and recent self-quarantine guidelines require no adjustment to their normal life. I’m guessing that’s not the case for you and hope you’re staying healthy and hopeful in the midst of these crazy days.

Can I pray for you? I’d be honored to. If so, let me know how here

A friend of mine who loves Muslims fiercely shared this observation after testing negatively for Covid 19, but coughing in the grocery store check out line:

“The cashier puts on her gloves. The people behind you move to another lane. One lady puts her t-shirt over her nose. Someone else asks “are you okay?” with a tone you know is not sympathy. People in the next lane pretend like they aren’t talking to each other as they turn their faces and mumble something and giggle nervously.

Days after the retreat of my fever, I took a walk in the park with my dog. Trying desperately to stifle the tickle in my chest, something else brought tears to my eyes:

This is how Muslim women who wear the veil must feel every day.  Like the outer shell tattles on an inner terrorist-that-doesn’t-exist and the whole world is walking the other way with their Ph.D. in “Diagnostics” held tightly against their briefcase of principles.”

Such a vivid picture of what it must sometimes feel like to be “the other.” When we’re on the far side of this pandemic, I pray God will remind me of this and encourage me to close the social distance and try to connect.

But not with some in my neighborhood. They live here so they don’t have to talk to people!!


I really would be honored to pray for you. Please let me know how you’re doing. Thank you.

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