Helium for Hope

Do the stats ever get you down? The reports. The news. The grave and somber prognostications?

Another email landed in my inbox this past week. This one in part sharing an article designed to fan flames of fear and anger because, get this: A woman in a hijab participated in a press briefing at the White House. I have a hunch this reflects similar squawking from years past when the first woman gave a press briefing! (History doesn’t repeat itself, but it does rhyme!)

Her name is Sameera Fazili, the new Deputy Director of the National Economic Council and no light weight! We’re blessed to have someone so whip smart helping lead the nation. (To be fair, the one who shared the email with me did so for purposes of prayer.)

When you find yourself growing weary in the struggle to think about Muslims the way God does and love them like Jesus, maybe try these two things that help me:

  1. Wriggle your way into giving a missions talk! No, I’m serious. The size of the audience is not the main thing, but shoot for your whole church! The chief benefit will be the research and prep you do. And when your brain hears the conviction in your voice, it will agree, “Yes, we do believe this stuff. Keep pouring on the coal!”
  2. Hang out with crazy vision people. I recently reconnected with a friend as he paused in the midst of a weeks-long international trip. He’s putting his own body on the line to see what can happen right now for people groups not only without a church (unreached), but also, as far as we can tell, with no one working for the Gospel at all (unengaged).DW is a little older than me, an honest three times smarter, and has vision, pardon my French, out the wazooo! God uses him to strengthen my soul.

I hope you have people like him you can call on when your conviction caves a bit. You also probably have other ways to shore up flagging passion. Please help us by sharing them below or with me.

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