What Would You Give Your Church?

You know what I find unsettling? Pastors who lift. I’m more comfortable with a cushiony guy who regularly takes seconds on sausage gravy and biscuits at Men’s Breakfast.

Most pastors are (presumably) very spiritual and likely pretty smart. If they’re also ripped, I’m tripled trumped!

Such was the pastor I met with yesterday. Impressive. But I had more vision for Muslims. Of course I did. That’s my gig. The pastor shared how in the early years of the church plant they scraped just to pay salaries. There was no money for missions, Muslim-oriented or otherwise.

Covid clobbers aside, there may now be funds for the frontiers and I’m wondering what I might do to win his heart and the church’s for Muslims.

I don’t know them well, but I’m wondering what God might give them, how he might shape them. That leads me to wonder what I want my own church to know and believe about Muslims. I want them to know that. . .

. . . anger, fear and apathy are not the only sensible responses to Muslims.

. . . God is actively bringing Muslims into his growing kingdom.

. . .while few live near us, Muslims are not inaccessible. In fact, I just began a friendship with a guy in Iran!

What about you? If you could shape how people at your church think about and act toward Muslims, what would you like to see result?

This edition of Muslim Connect is 25% shorter than normal! Please take that extra time to comment here. Thank you!

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4 Responses to What Would You Give Your Church?

  1. Kyle Langdon

    I would love for them to have a welcoming heart. To have a seat at the table. To know that Followers of Jesus (and Americans if from other countries) love them and care about them.

  2. MIKE

    Thank you Shane for this inspiring message. More churches should receive your Muslim Connect newsletter. Can we start a campaign for you?

  3. M V S

    I would like to see each one in the church befriend a local Muslim immigrant and seek to find out more about their beliefs. Then become a true friend and hang out with them. I would like to see the church be Jesus to them.

  4. Hey Shane, If I were dreaming big it would be to see a community of Muslim refugees move in to our community. That we as the church would host them, enjoy helping them make connections with schools, health services, and job opportunities. And that we would be available to see them settled and established as neighbors while showing unconditional love and respect.

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