Big Announcement!

Ah, but Spring is blooming in my neighborhood and in my heart! Easter is just around the corner and new things are popping up all over. Seems like a good time to bring some newness to bear on this weekly missive.

In an effort to re-fresh and remain relevant to our culture, I’m pleased to announce a new name and new direction for this email. Please join me in welcoming Muslim Correct!

Muslim Correct will now focus on three driving imperatives:

  1. Things that I think are wrong with Muslims.
    For instance, why do they name so many of their boy babies Muhammad? We don’t do that. (Apologies to Latinx readers.) They’re probably trying to dominate baby name popularity lists. Which reminds me, we’ll be focusing more energy on what I believe motivates Muslims, than on what most of them actually do.
  2. Things that readers like you think I am wrong about.
    Come on, I know you’ve been thinking about it! “Who does this guy think he is and what can he really say in 300 words? Plus, I got a newsletter from a guy who quoted another speaker sharing how a Muslim convert thought what most missiologists said and did was rubbish.”
  3. A broader look at things that are wrong with the world and can be made better by sitting on the couch watching Jeopardy and grousing about them. This aspect will hopefully be anchored by guest authors who have a proven track record of calling out Muslims. (Can anyone put me in contact with Jerry Falwell Jr.?)

The outgoing motto for Muslim Connect, you may remember was, “Thinking about Muslims the way God does. Loving Muslims the way Jesus does.”

Get ready, our new motto is: “Thinking about Muslims in ways that make us feel good about ourselves. Loving Muslims from a nice, safe distance.”

Whether you endorse or oppose these new changes, please take a moment to watch this 59 second video. Thank you.

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