A Small Good Deed for Eid

Around the world today, Muslims are celebrating Eid Al Fitr, the holiday that basically says, “We did it. We fasted through the month of Ramadan!” Of course in many places, celebrations will be thwarted by lock downs, restrictions and the presence of sickness in the family.

Personally, I’m celebrating a couple of things this morning: 1. I’m recovering from Covid! If you prayed for me, thank you very much. I’m feeling super grateful for life and health. 2. I asked us all to consider fasting at least one meal last Saturday and pray for Muslims during their Night of Power. One hundred and three of us checked the counter saying we were in! Thank you so much! May God hear and answer our prayers beyond all we can ask or imagine!

In many places the end of Ramadan has come with violence and death: The deeply sad and apparently intractable situation with Jews and Palestinians, the uptick of evil in Afghanistan, the ravages of Covid in India, and likely many others situations I know nothing about.

While we pray for the kingdom of God to come, here’s a tiny little bit of kingdom peace you can spread today. Right click the image above (control click for the cool kids!), copy and paste it in your Facebook feed, on Instagram, Twitter, TikToc, Parler or some other nifty social media I’m clueless about.

Doing this will not get us to herd immunity. Nor will it solve the riddles of time and space. And it won’t get us flying cars! But it just might let one person know you see them. And it might encourage one person to see Muslims with a kinder eye.

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