Moving to What Matters Most

Maybe like me, you love to befriend Muslims, but struggle to talk about deep stuff.

How do you turn a conversation toward spiritual things?

Often when I think about this question I’m faced with the awkward realization that I’m not as spiritual as I wish I were. Which is quickly followed by, “What the heck am I doing even talking about stuff like this?!?” But I want to grow and maybe you do too. And one of the pleasant side effects of reaching out to others is growing spiritually yourself.

Here are three ways to turn the corner.

1. My Facebook friend Ginny is a treasure who talks to tons of Muslims. She says, “Let’s become ‘conversationally fluent’ with the Bible, knowing how to speak it into ordinary conversations, without long explanation or embarrassment.”

A specific way to do this is to springboard from topic of conversation to something Jesus said. “That reminds me of a story Jesus told.” Then tell it!

2. Ginny also says we can turn the corner by, “sharing what God has done and is doing in our life! We can know these things, but if we don’t feel confident sharing them, we’ll stay silent. It’s critical for believers to develop this fluency with each other, to normalize it in conversation with other believers. We embrace a cultural belief that it’s invasive, rude, or inappropriate to talk about Christ. We think there’s some sort of complex dance leading to a conversation about Jesus. But that’s not true about our own culture nor most Muslim ones.”

Particularly share how God relates to your pain. Everyone hurts. “I’m struggling with this, but God is helping me.” Or maybe I believe or am trying to hope God will help me.

3. Finally, ask how you can pray for your friend. Then do it. Hand on shoulder right here and now or awkwardly typed out prayers if you’re connecting online! This might deepen things in a hurry!

Do you have other, perhaps better, conversation shifters? Share them here.

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6 Responses to Moving to What Matters Most

  1. Maggie Shropshire

    Play the “things we have in common game . When you finish the obvious things, switch to the common things in our belief systems such as c as Old Testament prophets, the virgin birth, etc. Then you can ask if they would like to study the Holy Scripture together and discover who Jesus said he was.

  2. Dave Martin

    Sometimes I’ll say (this is with a Muslim pen pal), “I’ve heard that Islam teaches that the Injil has been corrupted [or some other topic]. I’m curious about that. Do you think you or your imam could send me some background on how and when that happened?”

  3. ABC Administrator

    Thanks for your input. Here is another method that is useful.

    Feel free to use the file on your own website.

    Blessings in Christ,

    ABC Administrator

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